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Now that your youngster is becoming a Cub Scout this booklet gives you information of what we actually do and how your cub can get the most out of it.


When your youngster joins cubs he has to wear a green sweater. After he has got this and has been in cubs for six weeks he will be invested. He will be asked to say the Cub Scout promise and law that are below...


The Cub Scout Law


The Cub Scout Promise


The Uniform

The method of wear for all Cub Scout badges is as illustrated below. The badges your youngster should get when he is invested are…


v  Group Name Tape

v  Borough and District Badge

v  Cub Scout Membership Badge


What Cub Scouts Actually Do
Cub Scouts will enjoy a great deal of fun and adventure whilst in the Pack. They will also have opportunities to gain awards and badges. These awards are given in recognition of the effort made by each youngster at their own level of development and understanding. The Cub Scout Programme includes activities such as:

  • Camping

  • Caring for the environment

  • Model making

  • Cooking

  • First Aid

  • Exploring

  • Helping Others


Activity Badges

During cubs your youngster will under go Activity Badges. Some of these will be done at Pack Meetings but most will be done at home. Not all of the badges are expected to be done. The badges are…


v    Animal Lover

v    Artist

v    Astronomer

v    Athlete

v    Book Reader

v    Camper

v    Collector

v    Communicator

v    Community

v    Computer

v    Cook

v    Craftsman

v    Cyclist

v    Entertainer

v    Explorer

v    First Aider

v    Gardener

v    Handyman

v    Health & Fitness

v    Hobbies

v    Home Help

v    Home Safety

v    Local Historian

v    Map Reader

v    Musician

v    My Faith

v   Naturalist

v    Navigator

v    Personal Safety

v    Photographer

v    Road Safety

v    Scientist

v    Sportsman

v    Swimmer

v    World Conservation

v    World Faiths

v    World Friendship

v    Writer

Pack Holiday

The best thing about Cub Scouting to most Cubs is going on Pack Holiday. The leaders are specially trained before they are allowed to take on the responsibility to look after the Cub Scouts with the same level of care as if they were their own large family or youngsters. We normally take the Cubs away at the end of July or in August. On Cub Camp the Cubs can do activities that are not possible at a Pack Meeting, some of these activities include:


v    Hiking

v    Climbing

v    Canoeing

v    Swimming

v    Wide Games

v    Go On Outings

v    Campfire Cooking



General Information About Our Pack

Our Cub Scout Pack is part of the Bedale Scout Group


Meeting Place: - Headquarters, Emgate, Bedale


Meeting Day: - Monday


Starting Time: - 6.30p.m


Finishing Time: - 8.00p.m


Subscriptions: - £18.00 to be paid on the

1st January

1st April

1st September


The Uniform is available from: - Bob Pocklington

North End



Your Cub Scout Leader is: - Anne Hall


Sussex Close


North Yorkshire


Telephone Number: - (01677) 426266


Group Scout Leader: - Christopher Hall


Telephone Number: - (01677) 426266